All Ages Club 1hrs – £5 per person crafting per hour.
Drop in sessions for all ages and abillities
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Sat 11:00 till 17:30
Tues 12:30 till 17:30
Parents, grandparents, guardians, carers, helpers free.
Paint, draw, model, sculpt, collage, cut, stick and much more on offer.
There will be a different project each week
Includes all craft supplies.
Let us have the mess and you take your creation home.
Dementia & SEN friendly Craft Club – £5 per person per hour – Carers/helpers free
Every Tuesday & Wednesday 12:30 till 15:00 – Drop in sessions
Art & craft activities for people living with dementia & special needs in a calm and safe environment
We use these sessions to inspire people to get creative, connect, learn new skills and most importantly, have fun. This club aims to boost confidence and wellbeing.
Each week there will be a different art or craft to try, such as painting, clay work, decoupage & jewellery making.
Includes all craft supplies.